7 Nov

Well, I have been gone for a few days, but I am here and more live than ever.

First things first, President Obama has won a second term. That is super excited.. I am so ready to see a diverse nation of people that can work together… I just see a more diverse people within the Democratic party… God is awesome and He heard the cries of his people…. FORWARD (not backwards)

While I’ve been away, I lost a person in my family. My uncle, Officer Richard Halford (and co-pilot Officer Shawn Smiley) lost their live’s here in Atlanta in the line of duty. They were flying around looking for a missing 9 year old and hit a power line. May God rest their souls and may comfort be given to their family in this time of need. We’ll miss you Unc.

As usual, I get quite a few pics from some of the most beautiful women and children and I am always stoked to share with you guys.

NATURALISTA: Tanisha Brown
“I started my natural 1/31/11 i was so afraid that my hair would grow but it was already done. I wear protective hairstyles and try different regiments to see wat helps and you guys are really helping me to stick to it and follow through with it..almost 1yr strong! ♥”

NATURALISTA: Tonessha Wilson
“Tonessha Wilson Just Wanna Say I Enjoy Your Page And All The Advice I Took In Thanxx 🙂 I Loving My Hair”


NATURALISTA: Cresent Jones
“My name is cresent jones. Im 25 years old and an army wife stationed in Colorado.
So I be been natural since 2008. But I continuously big chop. I’m 7 months preggers now with my 3rd child. And I’m addicted to braids. In September I crocheted some yarn in my hair. But when I took it down on Oct 3rd. My hair came out in clumps (I’m thinking it was due to the pregnancy) so the next day (Oct 4 2012) I talked my husband into getting the clippers and cutting it all off. I was very fine with my decision but then I started missing my braids so I got out my yarn and went to work. Yes I do my own hair. I didn’t want it to be too long Cuz it would be to heavy of course. Love the style and length. It didnt take long and it only cost one spool of yarn. I didn’t even use a full spool. :-). Love the results and I hope u guys realize that u can still braid a twa. :-).
P.s. I have long nails too lol.”
“This is a pic of my baby’s locs before we combed them down three years ago. She was 12.”
NATURALISTA: Osarenren Williams
“This is my 17-month old daughter at the end of a 3-day fro out. Everyone loved her hair when trick-o-treating thru the neighborhood. Her favorite word when getting dressed is “pretty”, so I tell her that every time I do her hair as well.”
“My naturally beautiful princess Nadia in a few of her many styles 🙂 She’ll be 4 next week and this Diva loves her natural hair! ♥”
Oooo, aren’t those babies just adorable?! I love them.
I blow dried my hair out and here I am.. Tried to do something fancy, but it didn’t work, so I’ve been kind of having a bad hair week… But I always say, naturals can get away with it because it looks like its done on purpose… lol
I did come across an interesting pic. I just wanted to share… Became though provoking.. What do you think?
And in closing.. I will leave you with a lovely quote to ponder on
Shon I

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